0 votes


Based on your script, we check whether there is already a request. However, we often get the following error and do not know why. Can you help us?

Cannot compare "Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.Search.AdmSearchResult" because it is not IComparable. Stack trace: at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 19
Business Rules: Command Processor 'Business Rules' threw an exception when processing the command. ↲ A list of actions to be triggered by Business Rules couldn't be generated. ↲ Failed to check the following condition of the 'Before Updating a User' business rule: If script 'Check for any requests' returns true. ↲ Cannot compare "Softerra.Adaxes.Adsi.Search.AdmSearchResult" because it is not IComparable.

Thank you

by (340 points)

1 Answer

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by (15.5k points)


Thank you for pointing out the issue. We updated the first script in the repository article you mentioned. Please, replace the script in your business rule condition with the updated one.


That's great. Thank you very much!


Hello again,

I have now tried the new script and now receive an approval request every day, is that normal?




Please, provide us with all the possible details regarding the workflow you have. Screenshots and live examples will be much appreciated. You can post them here or send us at support@adaxes.com.

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