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I need to create a report of all enabled users in selected group or multiple groups. I am aware of the report named "Members of selected groups", but I don't know how to filter only enabled users. Is there a way to achieve this?

by (90 points)

1 Answer

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by (285k points)
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Do we understand correctly that you need the report to only include members of the selected groups that are of the User object type and eliminate members of other types? If that is correct, you can use the below script in the report. At the same time, the Member types parameter can be removed as it is not used. It is recommended to create a copy of the built-in report and modify it rather than the report itself.

# Set search criteria
$criteria = New-AdmCriteria "user" -Expression {accountDisabled -eq $False}

# Build the report

Hi, this is not what I want to do.

I need the report to only include members of the selected groups that are NOT DISABLED.

Is it possible?



This exactly what the above solution does. The report will include all the enabled users who are members of the selected group. For your information, groups cannot be disabled. There is just no such functionality in AD.


Hi, I didn't catch the first answer. That's rigth. The proposed solution is just what I'm looking for.

Thank you very much

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