the link to the script isn't working anymore. Could you reupload it or provide another link?
Kind regards
The script is no longer valid. It should be configured using property patterns. For details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ConfigureUPNSuffixSelection.
Currently the log gets written in whatever language the user has in the web-UI. This makes no sense to me as an administrator (I don't even know some languages ... different names in different languages. Please make sure to include this in a future release!
I don't understand how you would use this searcher function. Can you show me in this example? Import-Module ImportExcel #set up variables $currentTime = Get-Date ... $Context.BindToObjectByDN($NewU) $U.Put("adm-CustomAttributeBoolean6", $False) $U.SetInfo() }
For instance to execute a powershell script that enable MFA for all member in that group?
This note is found in the documentation on how to configure allowed domains in Adaxes 2023. Allowed domain names can only be selected from the alternative UPN suffixes for on- ... required to pick up the change, or is there another way to trigger the update?
Can you clarify the answer as it's a bit confusing? Will there be new major release available this month?