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I want to include in a sent email notification after removing a member from a group the active directory user property "company" and "co" of a user. How can I achieve this? I can not select a property %adm-membercompany% nor %adm-memberco"

2024-06-07 15_53_01-Remote Desktop Manager \[adm001.rubnergroup.local\].png

by (380 points)
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1 Answer

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by (14.5k points)


This is something that can only be done using a PowerShell script. Please, find an example of such a script below. In the script: $to – Specifies email addresses of the notification recipients. $subject – Specifies the email notification subject. $emailBodyTemplate – Specifies the email notification template. In the template, the {0} placeholder will be replaced with the value of the Country property, {1} – with the value of the Company property.

$to = "recipient@company.com, recipient2@company.com" # TODO: modify me
$subject = "My Subject" # TODO: modify me
$emailBodyTemplate = @"

The user %adm-MemberFullName% was removed from the %name% group.

Removed member properties:
Country: {0};
Company: {1}
"@ # TODO: modify me

# Get member property value
$member = $Context.BindToObjectByDN("%member%")

    $memberCountryPropertyValue = $member.Get("c")
    $memberCompanyPropertyValue = $member.Get("company")

# Send mail
$emailBody = [System.String]::Format($emailBodyTemplate, @($memberCountryPropertyValue, $memberCompanyPropertyValue))
$Context.SendMail($to, $subject, $emailBody, $NULL)

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