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Hi all,

We're looking to buy but have some questions first.

Our HRIS can spit out a csv every 5 mins. Can Adaxes import that csv and compare it to our AD, making changes to AD as required, such as create new AD users, disable terminated employees, add/remove users from SGs and DLs, update phone/location/manager/custom fields? All performed in one import action, say once an hour, 24/7/365?

Can it "model" changes, i.e. not make any changes but produce a report detailing what WOULD happen if the import were to run normally?


by (120 points)

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by (299k points)
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Our HRIS can spit out a csv every 5 mins. Can Adaxes import that csv and compare it to our AD, making changes to AD as required, such as create new AD users, disable terminated employees, add/remove users from SGs and DLs, update phone/location/manager/custom fields? All performed in one import action, say once an hour, 24/7/365?

Yes, it is possible. For details, have a look at the following script from our repository: http://www.adaxes.com/script-repository ... e-s246.htm.

Can it "model" changes, i.e. not make any changes but produce a report detailing what WOULD happen if the import were to run normally?

Yes, you can modify the script to model the import process instead of actually importing data.


Thank you - that's great.

Are there limitations on the trial version, other than expiring after 30 days and not being able to run again?

Also, is there a walk-through on installing the trial, and on the upgrade to the full version?




Are there limitations on the trial version, other than expiring after 30 days and not being able to run again?

No, there are no other limitations.

Also, is there a walk-through on installing the trial,

Have a look at our Installation Notes: http://www.adaxes.com/resources/InstNot ... stallation.

and on the upgrade to the full version?

To upgrade, you will need to activate your license key. To do this, you will need to copy your license key file (license.admlic) to the License folder (by default, this folder is located under C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service\ on the computer, where the Adaxes service is installed).


Sounds simple. I will download the trial version today, and work with the rest of out IT dept to test it out.

Thanks again.

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