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I need a specific user, when requesting another user to join a group, to have an approval sent to the AD management team.

I tried to create a "Business Rule", but I'm getting an "Access Denied" error.

Any idea what this could be?

by (40 points)


Using a business rule is exactly the way. Do you need it to be only for a specific initiator or for both a specific initiator and a specific member? Any additional details and live examples of the desired behavior will be much appreciated.


Hello! For example, I need user "X" (Domain User) to be able to request group membership for himself or a colleague of his (also "Domain User"), for a specific group, but that the action only takes effect after being approved by a "Domain Admin".

1 Answer

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by (283k points)


Have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/RequestApprovalForAddingMembersToGroups. Pay attention that the initiator will still require the coresponmding permissions: https://www.adaxes.com/help/GrantRightsToModifyGroupMembership.

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