I'm trying to set the adm-ManagedByList attribute on a few hundred groups via powershell, and found that it's only working for groups in our root domain, but fails for all groups in the child domains.
The line would be something like this:
set-admgroup -Identity $GroupDN -ManagedByList @{'add'= @($UserDN)} -AdaxesService ourAdaxesServer
And it comes back with:
set-admgroup : There is no such object on the server.
Manually doing this through the admin console works fine.
Setting other attributes such as the description field is also no issue.
The $groupDN and $UserDN are even in the same domain.
Even though I'm working with distinguishedNames, I tried it with specifying the domain DN in the partition parameter, and I would still get the same error but it leads with a Warning:
WARNING: Object with identity '## DN of the group ##' was found, but is located in partition '## DN of the root domain ##' rather than
in the specified partition '## DN of the child domain where the group is actually located ##'.
Am I missing something here or is this a bug?