0 votes

Thought I would share my recently created command to disable a TeamViewer account. You'll need a premium or corporate subscription, and create an API token for your company account. More info here: https://integrate.teamviewer.com

I had to use the Invoke-Command workaround to be able to use the Invoke-RestMethod command since it seems it's not supported in the Adaxes Powershell.

I'll be adding more like these to remove deprovisioned computers from the teamviewer groups, or maybe even provision a new user account.

$scriptBlock = {
    $token = "1234567-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
    $tvApiBaseUrl = "https://webapi.teamviewer.com"

    $headers = @{}
    $headers.Add('Authorization', "Bearer " + $token)

    # find user based on e-mail address
    $uri = $tvApiBaseUrl + "/api/v1/users?email=%mail%"
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Method Get 

    If ($response.users.Count -gt 0) {
        $userID = $response.users.Get(0).id

        # get all users details
        $uri = $tvApiBaseUrl + "/api/v1/users/" + $userID
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Method Get 

        # disable user if he is enabled
        If ($response.active -eq $true) {

            $parm = @{}
            $parm.Add("active", $false)
            $body = ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $parm

            $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Body $body -Method Put -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8"

            #check if user really is deactivated
            $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Method Get 
            If ($response.active -eq $False) {
              Return "Teamviewer account has been disabled."
        Else {

            Return "Teamviewer account found, but already inactive."

    Else {
        return "No teamviewer account found for %mail%, de-activation not needed."


$result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName localhost -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock

if ($result -ne $NULL)
    $Context.LogMessage($result, "Information")
by (110 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (110 points)

For anyone interested, here's the script to delete all TeamViewer devices that match a Computer Name. For safety I check on minimum computername lenght because you could accidentally remove a lot of devices with this command. So please modify this to your own needs before using.

You'll need to create an API token for your user account in stead of the company account for this one.

$scriptBlock = {
    $token = "1234567-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
    $tvApiBaseUrl = "https://webapi.teamviewer.com"

    $hostname = "%cn%"

    # check if hostname string lenght is minimum 7 to prevent accidental deletion
    If ($hostname.Length -lt 7) {
        Throw "ERROR: Hostname lenght to short"

    $headers = @{}
    $headers.Add('Authorization', "Bearer " + $token)

    # get all devices
    $uri = $tvApiBaseUrl + "/api/v1/devices"
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Method Get 

    $devicesDeleted = 0
    $devicesFailed = 0

    ForEach ($device in $response.devices) {
        If ($device.alias.Length -ge $hostname.Length -And
            $device.alias.Substring(0, $hostname.Length) -eq $hostname) {

            $uri = $tvApiBaseUrl + "/api/v1/devices/" + $device.device_id

              $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers $headers -Method Delete
             } Catch {


    Return "Deleted devices: " + $devicesDeleted.ToString() + ", Failed: " + $devicesFailed.ToString()


$result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName localhost -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock

if ($result -ne $NULL)
    $Context.LogMessage($result, "Information")


Thank you for sharing, much appreciated ;)


This is awesome. Do you by chance also have one for provisioning a user in TeamViewer?

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