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On the Create User form, I'm trying to set some predefined fields to prepopulate the Last Name and Username fields.

If I set just the Username field, it works fine and keeps the domain I select.

But if I also predefine the Last Name, then the Username only keeps the part before the @ and reverts the domain to the first one on the list.

For example, I have @domain1 and @domain2.

I predefine username as "svc_@domain2"

If I leave it at that, it works fine, but the Last name field is blank. If I then predefined Last Name as 'SVC<there's supposed to be an underscore here>' then when loading the form, Username is changed to 'svc_@domain1'

How do I predefine both fields, but keep the domain as @domain2?

by (190 points)

1 Answer

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by (14.5k points)


Unfortunately, this is a known behavior in Adaxes. It will be addressed in one of the future releases. If the accounts are created in a specific container, as an option, you can create a dedicated property pattern assigned over the container. In the property pattern, you can specify the required domain as the default one. For more details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ConfigureUPNSuffixSelection.

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