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Hello Support

We have the need (as do some other companies we assume) to flag certain accounts as VIP and to have any changes g through an authorization. These wuld include our Executives at the C level and VP level.

Can we get a designation, say a RED BOLDED VIP to be placed next to their name in Adaxes dashboard and when any processes are requested on the account an approval MUST happen before changes are submitted? Specifically, in our case, we disabled an account for a VP and our entire disabling process happened( as it should) and the business wants to create a safeguard to ensure exactly what is being requested. This truly only affects maybe 1 - 2 % of the users but they are high profile users.

than k you Support team for your assistance with this.

by (3.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer


Can we get a designation, say a RED BOLDED VIP to be placed next to their name in Adaxes dashboard

No, there is no such possibility. As a solution you can do the following:

  • Add VIP to the display names of the users, e.g. John Smith (VIP).
  • Configure Adaxes Web Interface to use the Display Name property as object name. For information on how to do so, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Con ... Names.html.

and when any processes are requested on the account an approval MUST happen before changes are submitted?

You need create a Business Rule triggering Before Updating a User and send an approval request for all the updates of VIP accounts. The rule will look like the following:


We can not change the Display Name, can we add a custom attribute to the header area? Maybe below the telephone number.



No, there is no such possibility.


what attributes are available in the heading area? (Right below Common name on individual page)



The header displays only the following properties if they are not empty: Email, Job Title (LDAP name - title), City, Telephone Number, Mobile Phone, Fax (LDAP name - facsimileTelephoneNumber). There is no possibility to customize the header. Maybe adding VIP to Job Title will suit you.


From what systems use our AD these attributes can’t be modified without impacting. Please add to roadmap or future enhancements. I searched previous posts and it has been a question for years.

I will try and resolve through a different way.

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