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I am trying to create a Script power Shell for creating users with a South American standard.

I need to use the first part of firstname + the first part of last name without the suffixes.

For example: First Name: John LastName: da Silva de Souza

expected username: joao.silva.

I'm trying the script below but adaxes returns that the user already exists, even if it doesn't exist.

# Lista de sufixos comuns para remover
$ignoreWords = @("da", "de", "do", "dos", "das", "e")

# Função para remover acentos e caracteres especiais
function Remove-Accents {
    param ($text)
    $accentedChars = "áàãâäéèêëíìîïóòõôöúùûüçñÁÀÃÂÄÉÈËÍÌÎÏÓÒÕÔÖÚÙÛÜÇÑ"
    $replacementChars = "aaaaaeeeeiiiiooooouuuucnAAAAAEEEEIIIIOOOOOUUUUCN"

    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $accentedChars.Length; $i++) {
        $text = $text -replace $accentedChars[$i], $replacementChars[$i]
    return $text

# Função para verificar se o usuário já existe
function UserExists($username) {
    $searcher = New-Object DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
    $searcher.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=$username))"
    $result = $searcher.FindOne()
    return $null -ne $result

# Obtém os valores do usuário
$firstName = "%firstname%"
$lastName = "%lastname%"

# Pega a primeira palavra do primeiro nome
$firstNamePart = ($firstName -split "\s+")[0]

# Divide o sobrenome e encontra a primeira palavra válida
$lastNameWords = $lastName -split "\s+"
$lastNamePart = ""

foreach ($word in $lastNameWords) {
    if ($ignoreWords -notcontains ($word.ToLower())) {
        $lastNamePart = $word

# Remove acentos e converte para minúsculas
$firstNamePart = Remove-Accents $firstNamePart
$lastNamePart = Remove-Accents $lastNamePart

# Monta o nome de usuário inicial
$username = ("$firstNamePart.$lastNamePart").ToLower()

# Verifica se o usuário já existe e incrementa se necessário
$index = 1
$originalUsername = $username
while (UserExists($username)) {
    $username = "$originalUsername$index"

# Define o domínio fixo
$domainName = "cloveritbr.local"
$userPrincipalName = "$username@$domainName"

# Log para debug
Write-Output "Username gerado: $username"
Write-Output "UPN gerado: $userPrincipalName"

# Define os atributos no Adaxes
$Context.TargetObject.Put("sAMAccountName", $username)
$Context.TargetObject.Put("userPrincipalName", $userPrincipalName)

# Aplica as mudanças
ago by (20 points)

1 Answer

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ago by (15.5k points)


As far as we understand, the script is executed in a business rule triggering Before creating a user. If so, you should not use the Put and SetInfo methods in scripts executed in business rules that trigger Before creating objects as the object does not exist yet. Instead, you need to use the SetModifiedPropertyValue method to update the values provided on the Create form. For more details on how to validate/modify user input using a script, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/help/ValidateModifyUserInputWithScript.

Additionally, it is recommended to use criteria in the searcher instead of an LDAP filter. The following repository article should be helpful: https://www.adaxes.com/script-repository/check-whether-email-and-username-are-unique-s347.htm.

Lastly, the Write-Output cmdlet is not supported in Adaxes. To add custom messages to the execution log, you can use the LogMessage method of the ExecuteScriptContext class.

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