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We have AD groups that manage what VLAN a user's system is associated with based on the user's department. I have custom command to change the PC group membership if the computer in AD attribute msTSPrimaryDesktop is updated. The computer management takes the old PC (if there was one), removes it from any VLAN groups and changes the description of the PC to be one of a number of statuses selected by the admin (Ready for deployment, retired, needs rebuilding etc) it then taked the new PC and adds it to the appropriate VLAN AD groups. However, I cannot figure out how to trigger the computer custom command from a user based business rule. (I cannot select the command) is there a way to work around this?

by (130 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)


The only option is to use a script in a business rule triggering After updating a user. The script should bind to the required computer and perform the necessary actions (e.g. execute a custom command). For examples on how to execute custom commands using PowerShell scripts, see https://adaxes.com/sdk/SampleScripts.ExecutingCustomCommands.

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