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Good morning,

My Training team has requested the ability to see a "new hire" list containing the last 50 employees hired by my organization. They wish to navigate to this list via their department's personalized Adaxes site. I would picture a link under User Management that they can reference at any given time to reveal their desired information.

Once they select the link, they wish to see the following fields:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email
- Job title
- etc.

I'm relatively new to Adaxes administration, and was hoping to be pointed in the right direction to get started on this task. Has anyone done something similar your environments?


by (50 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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There is no such a possibility.

As a workaround, we can suggest making the Recently Created Users report accessible from the Home page of the Web Interface. The report shows user accounts created during a specified number of days. To do so:

  1. Login to the Adaxes Web Interface.
  2. Click Reports in the top navigation menu.
  3. At the Reports page, click the Recently Created Users report.
  4. Specify the number of days for which you want the created user accounts to be shown and click Generate.
  5. Copy the link to the report from your browser’s address bar.
  6. Paste the link into any text editor and double each percent sign in the link (e.g. =users%%3ageneral%%3arecentlyCreatedUsers), copy the resulting link.
  7. Launch Adaxes Web Interface Customization Tool.
  8. Select the interface type and click Configure Home Page Actions on the General tab.
  9. Click Add and select Link to Specific URL.
  10. Paste the link with doubled percent signs.
  11. Click Next and finish creating the Home Page Action.

Thanks so much for your detailed reply! I'll work to implement this and offer it to my Training team as a solution.


Thanks again for your assistance in creating this report. I was wondering, is there a way to filter the default report settings, adding and removing different Active Directory fields as desired?



This is a built-in report and no customizations are available for it. However, you can configure columns that display specific properties in report results. For information on how to do so, have a look at step 6 of the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInt ... tLists.htm.


Thank you for your reply and link to the tutorial. This was a great help! My last question... am I able to modify the default OUs that the report is searching? By default it searches Everywhere. I'd like to be able to target a specific OUs so that my user is only seeing employee user objects, as opposed to the inclusion of service accounts, calendars, etc.

I know that this is a standard report. Am I able to make such modifications as described above?




No, there is no such possibility for built-in reports.

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