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Adaxes Team,

I have a Business rule that creates an e-mail address for a user automatically after their account has been created, but we are trying to exclude users with specific words in their name (either the word "generic" or "therapy", regardless of case).

I was using two Conditions for this:
"If <Full Name> <does not contain> therapy" (Value is case-sensitive NOT checked) AND
"If <Full Name> <does not contain> generic" (Value is case-sensitive NOT checked)

However, accounts were still receiving Exchange mailboxes. The accounts have Full Names like "ACF Therapy1" and "ACF Therapy2" - so I suspect the "does not contain" needs to have an exact match on the text rather than being a partial match, and the numbers at the end were throwing it off.

So, I'm changing to "Does not match regexp" -- is the regexp search case-sensitive or case-insensitive?
If it's not sensitive, I should just be able to match on .*generic.* and .*therapy.*
If it is case-sensitive though, I think I'll have to go for .*[Gg][Ee][Nn][Ee][Rr][Ii][Cc].* and similar for therapy, correct?

by (260 points)


Actually, the conditions should work exactly as intended. No need for an exact match as you stated. Could you post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) a screenshot of the Business Rule you are currently using?

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