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When using the Admin/Help Desk website to reset user passwords(as not all users are on the network or have access to reset it themselves through the self service site), the first and most critical step is identifying who you are speaking with if you are not familiar with them. Is there a way to add reviewing the secret questions and answers with the user before allowing the administrator to perform the password reset?

by (360 points)


That's an interesting feature suggestion... We'll discuss it with the team and I'll update this post with the results.

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)

Update 2013

The Password Self-Service feature was added in Adaxes version 2013.2. It includes security questions as a verification step. For configuration details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_SelfService_ConfigurePasswordSelfService.htm.



We decided to implement the feature in one of the nearest releases. Thanks for the suggestion!


For now you can enable SMS verification for password reset:

To allow users to send SMS verification codes during password reset, you need to Configure SMS Settings.


Another simplier solution we have implemented is simply asking the helpdesk technician to complete the self service password reset as the user on the phone. If that person cannot answer all of the questions correctly, they simply don't get a password reset and their manager has to call the helpdesk to get the user's password reset.

Being able to actually see the questions and answers for a user would avoid typos in the current workaround. Thanks!

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