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Firstly, can I say well done on 2018.1. The interface is a lot nicer and the ability to use Else and Else If statements in business rules is invaluable :D

I do have a quick question regarding predefined values for form fieldss.
When deprovisioning a user account, we are setting a date when the account can be deleted which by default is today +60 days and I would really like it if this field could be prepopulated with the default date.
I have tried creating a property pattern with a default value, but the field is still empty when I get to it whether the pattern is required or not.
Also, the use of a property pattern (especially a required one) does trouble me with this specific attribute as should someone misconfigure the scheduled cleanup task, we could end up with a lot more accounts being removed than expected.
Ideally I would prefer there to be no need for a property pattern, but instead when you load the form, it automatically calculates the default date and populates this for you.

Is this possible? Or something which you are looking to implement in a future release?



by (2.0k points)

Hello Matt,

Firstly, can I say well done on 2018.1. The interface is a lot nicer and the ability to use Else and Else If statements in business rules is invaluable

Thank you for your good words! Much appreciated!

Is this possible? Or something which you are looking to implement in a future release?

How exactly do you deprovision user accounts? Are you using an Action that then triggers a Business Rule or the scenario is different? Please, provide all the possible details for us to give you the best solution.


Thanks for the quick response.
Yes, I'm creating a form which will modify the user and then set off a set of business rules based on an attribute update to do the rest of the work.

I've actually just made a discovery though, it seems that my admin account (domain admin) doesn't have some access as I get an error "You do not have the permissions to read properties of my account", so when I was using the Predefined Fields it was giving a similar error.

However, when I use my non-privileged account, I get a different error: "String '07/09/2018 15:18:19' can't be converted to a type appropriate for the property 'adm-customattributedate2'"

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by (299k points)
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Hello Matt,

I've actually just made a discovery though, it seems that my admin account (domain admin) doesn't have some access as I get an error "You do not have the permissions to read properties of my account", so when I was using the Predefined Fields it was giving a similar error.

You need to check whether the account is present in the Unmanaged User Accounts list. To do so:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, right-click the service node and click Properties in the context menu.
  3. Click restrict in the Licensing section on the General tab.
  4. Check whether the account (domain admin) you are using is present in the list. If it does, remove the account from the list to remedy the issue.

However, when I use my non-privileged account, I get a different error: "String '07/09/2018 15:18:19' can't be converted to a type appropriate for the property 'adm-customattributedate2'"

When exactly do you get the error? Could you post here or send us a screenshot?


You need to check whether the account is present in the Unmanaged User Accounts list.

It is, I'll remove it from there.

When exactly do you get the error?

I open the task and select the user. The form starts to load, then goes back to the user selection screen and the error pops up.


Hello Matt,

As we understand, you are using a value reference (e.g. %datetime%) for the custom date attribute in the predefined fields for the action. This is a known issue and we will fix it as soon as only possible.


I am indeed (specifically %datetime,+60d%) and thanks for the info. I look forward to the update :)



Adaxes 2019.1 which includes a fix for the issue is now available. You can download it here.

What's New | Upgrade Instructions


Excellent, thanks for the update, I'll arrange to get it downloaded and tested :)

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