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I'm making use of a TextMultiValue property, but I'm frequently getting 2 errors when I execute $Context.TargetObject.GetEx("Adm-CustomAttributeMultiValue2"). These actions are taking place on a user, the user can only execute the action on themselves but I'm always seeing the following to errors:

  • Exception calling "GetEx" with "1" argument(s): "The 'Adm-CustomAttributeTextMultiValue2' property cannot be found in the cache." Stack trace: at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 34
  • Cannot write to a closed TextWriter.

Line causing the issue:
$IPs = $Context.TargetObject.GetEx("Adm-CustomAttributeTextMultiValue2")

I'm seeing "Cannot write to a closed TextWriter" other times also, can I get any insight on what would cause that?


by (300 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Hello Jake,

Exception calling "GetEx" with "1" argument(s): "The 'Adm-CustomAttributeTextMultiValue2' property cannot be found in the cache." Stack trace: at <ScriptBlock>, <No file>: line 34

The error occurs because the property is empty for the target object. To avoid such errors, you need to use try ... catch for getting property values.

Cannot write to a closed TextWriter.

For troubleshooting purposes, could you provide the full script you are using?


The error occurs because the property is empty for the target object. To avoid such errors, you need to use try ... catch for getting property values.

Strange - this is a value I'm setting as part of the update to the user's AD account. Currently my script runs "Before updating a user" is that related to why it isn't available? It seems like sometimes this part works and sometimes it doesn't.

Cannot write to a closed TextWriter.
For troubleshooting purposes, could you provide the full script you are using?

I don't always see this but I'll send you the code via direct message.


Hello Jake,

Strange - this is a value I'm setting as part of the update to the user's AD account. Currently my script runs "Before updating a user" is that related to why it isn't available?

Could you post here or send us (support[at]adaxes.com) a screenshot of the Business Rule configuration?

I don't always see this but I'll send you the code via direct message.

We provided an update to your script. Give it a try.

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