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I created a Report to report all Employees, and the following information: Name, Email, First Name, Last Name, Department, Office, Manager and Manager Email.

However, the Manager Email field is blank. I suppose because it's a property of the Manager, not of the user.

Is there a way in reporting to get that as well?

In Powershell, I have a script that will do that here. Not sure how to work this into the reports though. Also, it grabs everything, I'd like to narrow it down to our Employees OU, and not any sub OU's in that container.

Get-ADUser -filter * -properties * | select Displayname, Givenname, Surname, EmailAddress, Department, Office, Manager, @{Name="ManagerEmail";Expression={(get-aduser -property emailaddress $_.manager).emailaddress}} 
by (1.5k points)


Do we understand correctly that you need the report to display all users located in a specific OU or they should get filtered according to specific property values?


In a specific OU.

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer


Thank you for clarifying. You can use the built-in All users report. You will only need to update the report default columns. The report scope (OU users located in which you need to display) can be selected right before the report generation. To update the report:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand the service node.
  3. Navigate to Reports/All reports/Users and right-click the All users report.
  4. In the context menu, click Edit.
  5. Activate the Columns tab and click Edit below the Default columns section.
  6. Add the columns you need to the Default Columns list.
  7. Click OK twice.

If you want to create a separate report for users only in the specific OU, do the following:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, right-click your service node, navigate to New and click Report.
  3. Enter a report name and select Active directory search.
  4. Click Next and then click New.
  5. Select Objects in a specific AD location and click Next.
  6. Specify the Title and Drop-down item text, and click Next.
  7. Select Specific location.
  8. Type the name of the OU you need and press Enter.
  9. Click Finish and then click Next twice.
  10. Click Edit below the Default columns section.
  11. Add the columns you need to the Default Columns list.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Optionally, specify sorting and grouping setting and click Next.
  14. In the Search filter field, enter the following:
  15. Click Next twice.
  16. Select categories for the new report and click Finish.

Ok, thanks. I see where my issue was. I created a report, and selected Manager Email, which isn't the right field. It's ManagerEmail wthout spaces. Thanks for timely help!

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