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We're running 2018.1 (3.9.15631.0) and I am modifying our security role assignments to use new AD groups.
When looking at the role assignments, some are displaying the path to each OU

but some aren't and only display the OU name.

This is going to be a problem with one of the roles as it has a number of assignments, some of which are non-unique OU names in the domain.
I've tried clicking selecting different roles and going back again but this doesn't update the information. Is there another way to get the full path to the OU?



by (2.0k points)

Hello Matt,

Unfortunately, the images in your post are not displayed. Could you provide them one more time?


1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer

Hello Matt,

Thank you for the provided details. This behavior is by design. The path is displayed for an object in the Assigned Over column only if there is another object with the same name in the column but from different location. All other objects will not have the path displayed.


Thanks for the info. Is there any way to change this behaviour or request the ability to do so in a future release?
Having the view this way will mean that I need to add another OU of a matching name to each assignment so that I can ensure I am providing access to the correct OU.


Hello Matt,

Is there any way to change this behaviour

There is no such possibility.

request the ability to do so in a future release

Thank you for the suggestion, we will consider it.

Having the view this way will mean that I need to add another OU of a matching name to each assignment so that I can ensure I am providing access to the correct OU.

As a workaround, you can enable grouping assignments by the Assigned Over column. In this case, you will see the path for the objects in the group header.

To enable the grouping:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand your service node.
  3. Navigate to Configuration\Security Roles and select the role you need.
  4. In the Assignments section, expand the Group By drop-down list and click Assigned Over.

Thanks for the info, very helpful as always :)

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