I do a process every 60 days with 75 training accounts, this is basically what I do:
Step 1: Reset Password of all 75 accounts to the same password.
Step 2: Email trainers that the password has changed, and where to find the new one.
Step 3: copy a text file with the password to the trainers home drive so they can retrieve it.
I want to automate this as much as possible to give to our Help Desk.
So, my thoughts and concerns are. #1, I don't need to do step 3 as i"m doing today, we could do this via an email. So, combine step 2 and 3.
Next concern is, I don't want the Training Managers to receive 75 emails just because 75 users were reset.
So to do this, I'd create a report that they'd run that would easily allow them to select 75 training users. Then from the side menu, they could select the Reset Password option. Then, a business rule would be looking for Reset Password changes to Training Users to send an email, or run a custom command etc. So the question is, can I make it send 1 email instead of 75 here. And do you see any problems with what I stated above?