How do we expand the containers/boxes containing members automatically in the new 2018 version ? We are tired of scrolling members and those narrowed lists gives a very bad overview too.
- Thanks
There is no such possibility. However, thank you for the suggestion, we will consider it.
I've tried using the business container creation script and looping a foreach and I've been getting errors on the SetInfo part, just wondering what I'm doing wrong.
I'm would like to understand better how I can use the Containers. I haven't found much in the documentation. For most roles it seems like a place to categorize items. ... probably not) So in general a best practices for containers would be helpful. Thank you
Hello, It is possible to read values in specuial conatianers like OU=Policies,OU=System,dc=domain? The cmdlet get-ADOrganizationlUnit is not working for this type of object. Thanks!
Is there any way to automatically expand the full form without having to click "specify more properties'?
Hi, is it possible to export automatically the exchange online mailbox of a user to a .PST file on our archive server before the user is deleted? Kind regards, Fabian