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Can you think of a way to allow ADAxes users the ability to enter a help desk ticket number, and then have this information passed along in the workflow approval?


by (950 points)


Can you provide more details on what you are trying to achieve?

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)

I think I understood what you mean.

Recently (14/06/2012) we released a minor update for 2012.1 that allows using custom properties when managing AD objects.

Here is what you can do:

  1. Provide a custom display name for the property called adm-CustomAttributeInt1. For example, name it Ticked Number. For details, see Customizing Display Names for AD Properties.
    adm-CustomAttributeInt1 is a virtual property that is not stored in Active Directory but you can use it in Adaxes like a regular property of AD objects.
  2. Customize the Web Interface forms to allow users to edit the adm-CustomAttributeInt1 property. For details, see Customize Forms for User Creation and Editing.
  3. If necessary, make the property required using Property Patterns.

If the property was filled in during an operation that requires an approval, the approver will see it in the request details.


Thanks for putting this together. I'm testing with this model.

It occurred to me that a simple solution may be to add a standard function in the custom command area that would allow you to trigger a prompt for a "transient" value based on a Business Rule. For example, you could define a Business Rule that was like:

Before updating a user (group, etc), prompt for value. The prompt could be in the form of a new window/form. The value could have property enforcements, etc. and could be passed along to the workflow, etc.




Yes, we are thinking about something like that. But what to do if an operation is performed via a script?


I was thinking something similar to the messages that can pop up as confirmations for custom commands, only with the addition of an entry field:



I've submitted this feature to our Sandbox. We'll be discussing the possibility to implement it.
Thanks for the suggestion.



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