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I'm writing a PowerShell script that creates a group. I would like to include in the Notes field, both the Date and Time of the Request as well as the Date & Time of the Manager Approval.




by (510 points)

Hello Joel,

What exactly do you need to be submitted for approval? Is it adding the new user account to the new group both created by the script?

What do you mean by Request name? Should it also be entered manually by the initiator along with the workstation name?


I'm writing a PowerShell script that (in part) creates a group. I would like to include in the Notes field, both the Date and Time of the Request as well as the Date & Time of the Manager Approval.

Requested by John Smith on 10/24/2018
Approved by Mary Jane on 10/26/2018

It is triggered by the Modify User link on the Self Service Portal. I have a Business Rule for "After Updating a User." The script will require Manager Approval to Run.

1 Answer

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by (294k points)
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Best answer

Hello Joel,

Thank you for the provided details. You will need to save the request date into a property of the initiator account before running the script in your Business Rule. For example, you can use one of Adaxes custom date attributes (e.g. CustomAttributeDate1). In the script, you will need to get the date from the attribute and save it to the Notes property of the new group.

Then, you need to get the current date/time and also add it to the Notes property of the group. It will be different from the one saved to the custom attribute as the request can be approved any time. To add the approver (which is the manager of the requestor), use the %adm-InitiatorManagerFullName% value reference.
Below is a sample script:

# Get dates
$requestDate = $Context.TargetObject.Get("adm-CustomAttributeDate1")
$currentDate = Get-Date

# Form group notes
$notes = "Requested by %fullname% on $requestDate `r`n Approved by %adm-InitiatorManagerFullName% on $currentDate"

# Bind to the container
$containerDN = "OU=Groups,OU=DraculaTest,DC=aurora,DC=softerra,DC=llc"
$container = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($containerDN)

# Create group
[Softerra.Adaxes.Interop.Adsi.ADS_GROUP_TYPE_ENUM]$groupType =
$group = $container.Create("group","CN=New Group1")
$group.Put("groupType", [Int32]$groupType)

The Business Rule will look like the following:


Excellent! Thank you very much! That is exactly how I'm handling this. I just needed the extra bit about adding %datetime% to a temp user property at the time of the request and Get-Date for the time of the script after approval

Thanks again!


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