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I would like to generate a script that would copy the contents of a users home folder to their managers home folder when the deprovisioning script is fired off. my preference would be that it create a subfolder with the users name in the managers home folder for example

if not exist, create an "Old Users" folder in managers home directory
copy users home folder to managerhomefolder\old users\deprovisionedusername\contents

how would I do this in a script?

by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


You can use the following script to copy a user's home folder to his manager's home folder.

function CopyDirectory($source, $target)
    # If the destination directory does not exist, create it.
    if (-not([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($target)))

    $sourceDir = New-Object "System.IO.DirectoryInfo" $source;
    # Copy files
    $files = $sourceDir.GetFiles();
    foreach ($file in $files)
        # Create the path to the new copy of the file.
        $temppath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($target, $file.Name);

        $file.CopyTo($temppath, $false);

    # Copy sub-directories    
    $subDirs = $sourceDir.GetDirectories();
    foreach ($subDir in $subDirs)
        # Create the subdirectory.
        $temppath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($target, $subDir.Name);

        # Copy the subdirectories.
        CopyDirectory $subDir.FullName $temppath;

# Get the user's home folder
$user = $Context.TargetObject
    $userHomeDirectory = $user.Get("homeDirectory")
catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException]
    # The user doesn't have home directory
if (-not([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($userHomeDirectory)))
    $Context.LogMessage("The user's home directory doesn't exist.", "Warning")

# Get manager's home folder
    $managerDN = $user.Get("manager")
catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException]
    $Context.LogMessage("The user doesn't have any manager specified.", "Warning")
$manager = $Context.BindToObjectByDN($managerDN)
    $managerHomeDirectory = $manager.Get("homeDirectory")
catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException]
    $Context.LogMessage("The user's manager doesn't have home directory.", "Warning")
$targetDirectory = $managerHomeDirectory + "\Old Users\%username%"

# Copy user's home folder
CopyDirectory $userHomeDirectory $targetDirectory

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