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I created a Business Unites that contains groups that apecifc users can change members of.^
Then, I created a Security Role, set permissions ans assignments.
When the user log to the web interface he get two errors (see printscreens)

What is missing?

Thanks for your help.

by (1.1k points)

In the Business Unit I added all groups that need to be managed by the users.

1 Answer

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by (285k points)
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The first error occurs because the user has no permissions to actually see the groups. To remedy the issue, you need to add the Allow Read Group permission to the Security Role. In this case, the Read 'Member' Property permission can be removed. The result should be the following:

The second error message means that the currently logged on user has no permissions to read properties of their own account. By default, the permissions are granted by the built-in Security Role User Self-Service. For information on how to grant users the permissions to modify properties of their own accounts, see https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_SelfSe ... counts.htm.


Thank you.
The second error is solved.
Still have an error.



According to the screenshots, the error message is now different from the one you provided initially. The header of the first error was Manage Group Membership and now it is like add or remove group members. Could you provide us with all the steps a user takes when the error occurs? Screenshots and any additional details would be very helpful. You can post the screenshots here or send to our support email (support[at]adaxes.com).

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