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In which sequence are Business Rules executed, when an object is covered by more than one Business Rule Scope ?
I have done some tests, which indikated a top-down approach - but it could be a coincidence, or ?


- MyOU
-- MySubOU
--- MySecurityGroupX

Group Business Rule 1 scope = MyOU (sub-tree level).
Group Business Rule 2 scope = MySubOU (sub-tree level).
Group Business Rule 3 scope = MySecurityGroupX (The group object or Members of the group).

Expected sequence = Business Rule 1 (then) Business Rule 2 (then) Business Rule 3

- Thanks and Merry Christmas

by (2.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)
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Best answer


Execution order can be specified only for Business Rules configured for the same triggering operation (e.g. After Creating a User). To change the order:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, expand your service node.
  3. Navigate to Configuration\Business Rules.
  4. Right-click a Business Rule configured for the triggering operation you need.
  5. In the context menu, navigate to All Tasks and click Change Execution Order.
  6. Update the order the way you need and click OK.


Thanks, but it's not the Business Rule executing order it-self I was asking about, but the affected scopes.


I have 3 Business Rules, all (After adding a member to the group), but each rule covers different scopes within the same hierarchy:

- MyOU
-- MySubOU
--- MySecurityGroupX

- Business Rule 1 will fire when the target group is placed in MyOU or below.
- Business Rule 2 will fire when the target group is placed in MySubOU or below.
- Business Rule 3 will fire on MySecurityGroupX (if targeted).

I just need to be confirmed, when a member is added to MySecurityGroupX, Adaxes will always fire the Business Rules in a Top-Down order (1 > 2 > 3) and not in a randomly order:

1 - Business Rule 1 will fire because MySecurityGroupX is a part of the scope.
2 - Business Rule 2 will fire because MySecurityGroupX is a part of the scope.
3 - Business Rule 2 will fire because MySecurityGroupX it is the scope.

- Thanks



Execution order of Business Rules is not related to the hierarchy of the objects the rules are effective for. Starting with Adaxes 2018.1, the execution order of the Business Rules configured for the same triggering operation is defined as described in the previous post.
In your case, when a member is added to group MySecurityGroupX, the Business Rules will be executed in the order defined by the Execution Order for Business Rules triggering After Adding a member to a group. If the order is like in the screenshot below, the Business Rules will run in the following order:
Business Rule 1;
Business Rule 2;
Business Rule 3.

If a member is added to another group located in MySubOU or its child OUs, there will run Business Rule 1 and then Business Rule 2 will be executed.

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