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I can't create new users any more.
The users get created in the Active Directory, but the User Creation of Adaxes never finishes (the popup with "Creating new user" never finishes, I have to kill the process of the administration console). My Business Rules that should trigger when a new user is created are also not triggered. I can modify and delete existing users without a problem.
Creating users directly with AD Management Tools also works without a problem.
When users are trying to change their passwords via the webinterface, they have the same issue (the "changing password" popup never finishes).
I installed Adaxes on a seperate server with no configuration at all, but I have the same problems there.
I can't find any related errors in the event log.

Can anyone help?

by (20 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


If the issue persists even on a separate server with the default configuration of Adaxes, most probably, it is related to your environment. To troubleshoot the issue, you should check Event Log for related errors on the Domain Controller (DC) Adaxes is connected to. To find out which DC Adaxes is using for a domain, you can create a Custom Command as follows and execute it on any user from the domain you need. The DC will be displayed in the ​Execution Log after the command completes.
To create the Custom Command:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.

  2. In the Console Tree, right-click your service.

  3. In the context menu, navigate to New and click Custom Command.

  4. On step 2 of the Create Custom Command wizard, select User object type and click Next.

  5. Click Add an action.

  6. Select Run a program or PowerShell script and paste the following script into the Script field:

     $domainName = $Context.GetObjectDomain("%distinguishedName%")
     $rootDSE = $Context.BindToObject("Adaxes://$domainName/rootDSE")
     $domainControllerFQDN = $rootDSE.Get("dnsHostName")
     $Context.LogMessage("Domain Controller: $domainControllerFQDN", "Information")
  7. Enter a short description and click OK.

  8. Click Next and finish creating the Custom Command.

If you have multiple DCs, you can try to configure Adaxes to use another DC. For details, see: https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Man ... omain.html.



the problem is with reseting the password. I can create a user if I don't specify a password. When I try to reset the password, it never finishes.

I changed the DC Adaxes connects to, but I still the same behaviuor.

I searched the EventLog of my DC's already, but I can't find anything.
The strange thing is that I can reset passwords successfully with AD Management Tools, only Adaxes has problems.
I think the behaviour of Adaxes is also strange, it doesn't log anything in the EventLog on the server or in the ServiceLog by Adaxes. It just tries to reset the password but never finishes (we let it run for hours, but no timeout or error).



the problem is with reseting the password. I can create a user if I don't specify a password. When I try to reset the password, it never finishes.

Resetting a password is a security sensitive operation which can invoke a prompt for additional authentication (e.g. PIN for a Smart Card). Adaxes does not expect an input request for such operations and in such cases waits for a response from DC endlessly.
The prompt can appear because of software related to Smart Cards. So, you should check if such software is installed on the computer where Adaxes service is running.

I think the behaviour of Adaxes is also strange, it doesn't log anything in the EventLog on the server or in the ServiceLog by Adaxes. It just tries to reset the password but never finishes (we let it run for hours, but no timeout or error).

The log records are not created because the operation is not complete.

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