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I want to setup a scheduled action to send out a email once per week of what users each of our managers has as direct reports with a link to create a email to our helpdesk for each direct report line where they can request changes for that specific user.

The email report should contain the name of the direct report, expiry date of the account (if any) and the link to the helpdesk to request change for that specific user.

I think the script below is good base, but cant figure out how the filter is done since its currently setup to filter out disabled managers, I want the opposite ....

https://www.adaxes.com/script-repositor ... s-s219.htm


by (650 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Best answer

Hello Kaj,

If you are using Adaxes version 2017.2 or earlier, have a loook at the following scripts from our repository:
https://www.adaxes.com/script-repositor ... ts-s39.htm
https://www.adaxes.com/script-repositor ... t-s423.htm

If you are using Adaxes 2018.2 or later, you can use the built-in Subordinates of user report. By default, the report is located in container Reports\All Reports\Users\Managers and Subordinates. For information on how to schedule reports, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Active ... eports.htm.



We're still running 2017.x version - I think the second script looks right, but how do I get it to loop through all our users in a target OU structure and execute on those that has directreports?

Or is it as simple as scheduling a powershell script in AdAxess and it will work through all users itself?



Hello Kaj,

The script should be executed on User objects. For the Scheduled task that runs the script to send notifications only to managers in a specific OU, you need to add the OU to the Activity Scope of the task as subtree. The Scheduled Task will look like the following:


Thanks got the hang of it.

One additional question, i've created a extra row in the table in the email with a link to generate a email to our helpdesk if there is something wrong on the user / expiry date etc. Can there by a direct link to modify user in the web UI and if so how would the URL look for that? Ofcourse the user would need to login first in between.



Hello Kaj,

Unfortunately, there is no possibility to make a link after following which Help Desk can directly proceed with object modification. However, you can add a URL to the object itself and then Help Desk will only need to click the Edit button. The URL will look like the following: http://host.company.com/Adaxes/<WebUIName>/#/Browse/<UserDN>


  • <WebUIName> - specifies the Web Interface name (e.g. Admin);
  • <UserDN> - specifies the distinguished name (DN) of the target user (e.g. CN=John Smith,OU=My OU,DC=company,DC=com).

To generate a unique URL for each manager for which the script is executed, you need to use value references in the URL template. The URL in the script will look like the following: http://host.company.com/Adaxes/<WebUIName>/#/Browse/%distinguishedName%

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