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I have a powershell custom command that retrieves the LAPS password from AD for a specified computer. This allows us to run the query in the Adaxes context and delegate it to support staff by OU.

Is there any way to copy the resulting password to the clipboard? We find that even in the adaxes website, the results popup window will not let you copy from it.

#Viewing a password using the LAPS PowerShell module.
$logmessage = Get-AdmPwdPassword -Computername '%name%' | Select-Object ComputerName, Password, ExpirationTimeStamp | Out-String -Stream
foreach ($logline in $logmessage) { if ($logline -ne '') { $Context.LogMessage($logline, "Information") } }

by (430 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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Yes, it is possible. You can output the required information into the Execution log using the $Context.LogMessage method (as your script does) and then copy it after the command execution. You just need to select the text in the Execution log and then click Ctrl+C or right-click the selected text and click Copy in the context menu.


When I run this in the adaxes admin console it works, but not in a browser. I wonder if there is some security setting in the browsers or possibly the adaxes web interface?

We have tried this in several browsers (chrome/firefox/edge), and it won't allow us to copy/paste.

I also tried using powershell to copy to the clipboard but that doesn't work either.



There are no limits in Adaxes that might prevent you from copying text from the Execution Log. Maybe, there are such limits in web browsers, however, we were not able to reproduce the behavior.

Most probably, the behavior occurs because the text is not actually selected. For example, if you click a text in the Execution Log, it is not selected and the Copy option will not be available in the context menu.

For the option to be available, you need to make sure that the text is selected and then right-click it to Copy.


Thanks, we did not differentiate between clicking to select and highlight the text. That works.

We really like Adaxes for allowing help desk access to elevated powershell commands in our AD and O365. It would be nice if a future version improved the custom command/powershell display/output.

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