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As the title says, Im looking to add a Custom Command to the Action pane that I plan to allow users to trigger a script to run. However when in the Web Config for Self Service Portal and try and add the Custom Command, it does not list.

I believe I have the correct permissions applied, (Allowed Custom Commands to Execute) for that Security Group and the User Im logged in as has the permissions to make changes to the Web Inferface. Am I missing something?


by (100 points)

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by (294k points)
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Do we understand correctly that you are trying to add a Web Interface action that will execute a Custom Command and the required command is not displayed in the list of commands on the first step of the wizard?

If that is correct, make sure that the Custom Command is enabled with the help of Adaxes Administration Console. If the command is disabled, enable it and refresh the Web Interface Configurator page using Ctrl+F5. The command should appear in the list.


That is correct.

It would seem doing a Refresh of the Web Configurator did the trick. I was previously trying to create/Enable the command and then I was just logging in and out of the Web Configurator thinking the logout action would load the newly added Custom Command.

Thank you for you help!

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