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I am modifying the 'Inactive Computers' report so we can see a calculation of the days since the computer was active. I added a script column, and have this script. It doesn't seem to be getting the last logon date though as it returns 0. If I put a real date ($starttime = '5/6/19'), it does the calculation as expected. I also tried enclosing the %lastLogonTimeStamp% in quotes as I usually end up doing in powershell scripts but that didn't help.

# Assign a column value to $Context.Value
$starttime = %lastLogonTimestamp%
$endtime = (get-date)
$timespan = NEW-TIMESPAN -Start $starttime -End $endtime
$Context.Value = $timespan.days

I am trying to use Adaxes to make my team more efficient so thanks for your help on my recent tickets.

by (430 points)

1 Answer

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by (14.9k points)
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In scripts used to generate reports or report custom columns, value references (e.g. %lastLogonTimeStamp%) resolve into values of corresponding properties of the user who initiated the report generation. To get values of report objects, first you need to get the object using the $Context.GetADObject method and then get the property value using the $object.Get method.
To add the number of days the computer is inactive for to a report custom column, use the below script:

# Get computer object
$object = $Context.GetADObject()

# Get computer last logon time
    $lastLogonTime = [DateTime]::FromFileTime([Int64]::Parse($object.Get("lastLogonTimestamp")))
    $lastLogonTime = $NULL

# Set column value
if ($lastLogonTime)
    $currentDate = Get-Date
    $timespan = NEW-TIMESPAN -Start $lastLogonTime -End $currentDate
    $Context.Value = $timespan.days

Thanks for this, and the explanation.

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