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Hi Everyone -

This solution is almost near perfect to meet our requirements for purchasing after the free trial.

We had the following 2 issues with Manage Engines product as well and thats why we have looked at Adaxes as our next hopeful solution to fixing a problem that has been on going with our onboarding process.

Here's my question:

In the web form can we have check boxes that add specific security groups during the user creation process? Right now I have a web form that is setup to copy a user because.. We have about 500 security/distribution groups

Ontop of all the member groups that get copied during the creation process, I'd like HR to check off from a list of 8 additional security groups that relate to Power BI permissions. How can I add these check boxes that associate with security groups?

Oh and is their a way to see which user was copied when the data is sent over to the approver to be reviewed? This is also important as we don't want HR copying Management or our President accidentally.

by (140 points)

1 Answer

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by (299k points)
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In the web form can we have check boxes that add specific security groups during the user creation process?

To have checkboxes on the action form, you can add Adaxes custom Boolean attributes to it (e.g. CustomAttributeBoolean1). The attributes are not stored in Active Directory, but can be used in Adaxes as any other AD attributes. Then you can use a Business Rule triggering After creating a user that will add new users to groups based on the values of the corresponding Boolean attributes. For details, have a look at the following tutorial: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Automa ... rtment.htm.

Oh and is their a way to see which user was copied when the data is sent over to the approver to be reviewed? This is also important as we don't want HR copying Management or our President accidentally.

Unfortunately, there is no such possibility. However, you can configure your Web Interface action to allow selecting only specific source user accounts for copying. In this case, your HR will not be able to select any other accounts when executing the action. For details, see https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_WebInt ... nsPane.htm.


Thank you!

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