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I've created a new custom command to create Admin accounts for our IT users
I'm using the SeeAlso attribute as temporary storage on the form - this is filtered to Users in a specific OU, but when I run the command only 8 of the 18 user objects are listed.
I did think this may be related to the objects previously having been in the domain admins group, but I've cleared the adminCount attribute and they still don't show up.
The account I'm using is Enterprise Admin, so it's not a permission issue for my account.

Any idea what might be causing this issue? I've checked group memberships and the accounts are in different groups, but nothing which should restrict this as far as I can see.



by (2.0k points)

Hello Matt,

The account I'm using is Enterprise Admin, so it's not a permission issue for my account.

In Adaxes native Active Directory permissions are not taken into account. You need to make sure that the account you are using has all the necessary permissions granted by Adaxes Security Roles. For information on how to check the roles assigned to a user, see https://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Man ... forms.html. Also, you can check the following tutorial for information on how to grant users the permissions to see AD objects: https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Delega ... mUsers.htm.

I'm using the SeeAlso attribute as temporary storage on the form - this is filtered to Users in a specific OU, but when I run the command only 8 of the 18 user objects are listed.

How exactly did you configure the filtering? How exactly is the form associated with the Custom Command? Could you, please, provide us with all the possible details? Screenshots will be very helpful. You can post them here or send to our support email (support[at]adaxes.com).


Thanks for the response.

My account is full administrator in Adaxes.

The See Also is limited to an OU and filtered to all users, enabled and disabled.

The form is associated with the custom command using Add -> Custom Command.



Hello Matt,

The See Also is limited to an OU and filtered to all users, enabled and disabled.

Do we understand correctly that you applied the filtering for the See Also property in the settings of the Modify User form in Adaxes Web Interface Configurator? If that is so, the settings do not influence execution of any Custom Command. they only take effect when modifying a user account.
If not where you made the configuration, please, specify all the steps you take to reach the page in the screenshot.

The form is associated with the custom command using Add -> Custom Command.

As we understand, you created a Web Interface action to execute the Custom Command. However, the actions do not have a form. Most probably, your Custom Command has a parameter named See Also and when executing the command you can select objects in the parameter. If that is so, you need to check the configuration of the parameter via Adaxes Administration Console. For details, see https://www.adaxes.com/tutorials_Active ... parameters.


Thanks again

Sorry, I wasn't clear.
I added a new element to the form to Modify a user, then edited the form to remove everything other than the See Also field. This I configured as per my last post.

There is nothing behind the custom action yet, I'm still working on that section - I'm not sure why I added that to my previous post!



Hello Matt,

Thank you for the provided details. According to the settings, the action should work just fine and for the See Also property the initiator should be able to select only users located in the specified OU. To make sure that all the changes were applied, could you, please, refresh the page of the Web Interface to which the action was added using Ctrl+F5 and execute the action again? Does the issue persist?

Also, please, make sure that you sign in to the Web Interface (not only to the Web Interface Configurator) with the credentials of ADM-Matt Chapman account.



I've tried the Ctrl+F5 refresh and am logged on with my account, but I'm still finding the same result.



Hello Matt,

Could you, please, navigate to the container specified in the filter settings of the See Also property via Adaxes Administration Console and Web Interface? How many users do you see? Do you see all the 15 accounts?

1 Answer

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by (2.0k points)


No, I don't. I only see the user accounts which show up in the SeeAlso property


Hello Matt,

Thank you for the provided details. Most probably, the users which you can see in ADUC and not in Adaxes are added to the unmanaged accounts list. As a result, they are not visible in the entire Adaxes environment. To check the list:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, right-click your service node.
  3. In the context menu, click Properties.
  4. In the Licensing section, click Restrict.
  5. If the accounts are present in the list and you want to manage them in Adaxes, remove the users from the unmanaged list.

That's sorted it, thanks for your help :D

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