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Adaxes Service

To enable communication between Adaxes service and Active Directory, the following ports (TCP and UDP) must be open for outgoing connections on the computer where your Adaxes service is installed, and for incoming connections on the Domain Controller(s) that you want Adaxes to connect to.

  • 389 LDAP - to connect to Active Directory
  • 636 LDAP (SSL) - to connect to Active Directory via SSL
  • 3268 LDAP - to connect to AD Global Catalog
  • 3269 LDAP (SSL) - to connect to AD Global Catalog via SSL
  • 88 Kerberos - for authentication
  • 135 RPC - to resolve AD user names
  • Dynamic RPC ports* - to communicate with Active Directory

Additionally, to allow communication between Adaxes service and your Exchange Servers, you need to open the following ports:

  • 80 HTTP - if Adaxes service and Exchange are installed in the same forest
  • 443 HTTPS - if Adaxes service and Exchange are installed in different forests

Also, you need to allow Adaxes service to ping Active Directory domain controllers. To do this, enable Echo ICMP Requests (ping) in the firewall settings.

Adaxes Clients

Adaxes Web Interface, REST API, and Adaxes Administration Console use the following ports (TCP and UDP):

  • 389 LDAP - to connect to Active Directory
  • 54782 - for communication with the Adaxes service

If Adaxes clients are deployed in the perimeter network (DMZ), only the 54782 port needs to be opened in the firewall for communication between Adaxes clients in the DMZ and Adaxes service on the intranet.

If an Adaxes client is deployed in a domain that is:

  • Not managed by Adaxes service and
  • Different from the domain where Adaxes service is deployed,

then you also need to open the 3268 port on the computer where that Adaxes client is installed. It will be used to connect to AD Global Catalog to locate the Adaxes service.

It is possible to change the port used for communication between Adaxes service and Adaxes clients (Web Interface and Administration console). For this purpose you need to change the port attribute of the following XML element of the Adaxes service configuration file (Softerra.Adaxes.Service.exe.Config):

    <customErrors mode="Off" />
        <channel ref="tcp" port="54782" priority="2" secure="true">

The Softerra.Adaxes.Service.exe.Config file is located in the folder where the Adaxes Service is installed (by default, C:\Program Files\Softerra\Adaxes 3\Service).

* To enable communication through dynamic RPC ports:

by (560 points)

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