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is it possible to put the first letter of the name in uppercase:
example: Marc


by (360 points)


Yes, this is possible. When would you like to check the user's name: before creation, after creation, may be after modification or on a scheduled basis? Could you provide some more detail on what you are trying to achieve?


i will like check the user's name before creation with user pattern.

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

This cannot be done with Property Patterns, but you can use a Business Rule for this purpose. You can create a Business Rule that will be launched before creating a user and that will always set the first letter of the user's name in upper case. See the Validate/Modify User Input Using a Script Tutorial for instructions on how to create such a Business Rule. On the 5th step of the tutorial, you need to paste the following script:

$firstName = "%givenName%"
$firstName = "%givenName:upper,1%" + $firstName.Substring(1)
$Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("givenName", $firstName)

If you would also like to set the first letter of the user's surname in uppercase, add the following lines to the end of the script:

$lastName = "%sn%"
$lastName = "%sn:upper,1%" + $lastName.Substring(1)
$Context.SetModifiedPropertyValue("sn", $lastName)

I tried your script I am receiving an exception calling "SetModifiedPropertyValue" with"2" arguments: property can't be modified in this context because no action is available



The scripts will work only in a Business Rules triggered before creating or updating a user. They won't work in Custom Commands or Scheduled Tasks. If you want to use them in commands or tasks, you'll need slightly different versions of the scripts.

First Name:

$firstName = "%givenName%"
$firstName = "%givenName:upper,1%" + $firstName.Substring(1)
if ($firstName -cne "%givenName%")
    $Context.TargetObject.Put("givenName", $firstName)

Last Name

$lastName = "%sn%"
$lastName = "%sn:upper,1%" + $lastName.Substring(1)
if ($lastName -cne "%sn%")
    $Context.TargetObject.Put("sn", $lastName)

Hello, this works very well for me, but, if there are two surnames, how do I capitalize them both?

Example: Vincent Van Gogh


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