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Having a little issue trying to figure out how to insert information into an HTML template. We have an HTML template that is inserted into a disabled users email auto reply. It has been requested that we insert the disabled users name and manager contact info into the template. I have not figured out how i can insert this info into the HTML template from adaxes. Is there anyone that has done this before?

$exchangeServer = "exchange"
$session = New-PSSession -connectionURI "http://$exchangeServer/powershell" -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange
Import-PSSession -session $session
$AutoReplyMessage = [io.file]::ReadAllText("C:\Auto_Reply.htm")
Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration -Identity %username%@domain.com -AutoReplyState Scheduled –EndTime “1/1/2050” -ExternalMessage "$AutoReplyMessage"
Remove-PSSession -Session $session
by (70 points)

1 Answer

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by (400 points)
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Hi ABrown. You could search and replace in the email template. From your code example I have added some replace commands. Basically in the html template you would have %username% and that would get replaced with the username from the Adaxes property %username%.

$exchangeServer = "exchange"
$session = New-PSSession -connectionURI "http://$exchangeServer/powershell" -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange
Import-PSSession -session $session
$AutoReplyMessage = [io.file]::ReadAllText("C:\Auto_Reply.htm")

# Replace strings in the autoreply text, double % required so Adaxes does not convert
$AutoReplyMessage = $AutoReplyMessage.Replace("%%username%%","%username%")
$AutoReplyMessage = $AutoReplyMessage.Replace("%%adm-ManagerFullName%%","%adm-ManagerFullName%")
$AutoReplyMessage = $AutoReplyMessage.Replace("%%adm-ManagerEmail%%","%adm-ManagerEmail%")

Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration -Identity %username%@domain.com -AutoReplyState Scheduled –EndTime “1/1/2050” -ExternalMessage "$AutoReplyMessage"
Remove-PSSession -Session $session

Alternatively you could put the email template inside the script and let Adaxes replace the properties:

$AutoReplyMessage = @"
Sorry %username% has left.

This worked like a charm!!!

Thank you!



Thank you Nodeblue!

In Adaxes 2013.1 that is scheduled for the end of the month, it will be possible to use Modify Exchange Properties action to set automatic replies:


SWEET...Is there a list of new features for 2013?


We are currently working on the What's New document ;)

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