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We're about to launch a final POC test - in Live rather than a test environment - and am wondering when 2013.1 is due for release?

I seem to remember e/o Feb has been mentioned.


by (1.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


We had to reschedule the release date again. The new release will be available in the middle of March.


Thanks for the update.

Do you currently have a definitive list of the changes - new features, functional differences etc?

I know you've mentioned in the past to "improvements in mailbox handling" etc, but I'd be interested in having a complete list, as we're currently deciding when to start the final test (evaluation against our live AD to confirm no 'gotchas') and are deciding if we want to target 2012.1 or 2013.1 as the install candidate (and the impact on our test schedule).




The list of changes and enhancements will be available in the What's New document that we are currently working on. ;)


Ping to the top..!

Do you have a target date yet and/or would you be willing to release a draft of the new features?

I need to finalise our schedule, so really would appreciate knowing whether we should be targeting a 2012.1 or a 2013.1 initial release.




The due date for Adaxes 2013.1 release is March 21 with a possible delay of one week.

As to deciding between Adaxes 2012.1 and 2013.1, approximately a month before the release we started to generate license files supported by both Adaxes 2012.1 and 2013.1. So, if you decide to purchase your license for Adaxes 2012.1 now, you will anyway be able to upgrade to Adaxes 2013.1 later, no matter whether you buy the Upgrade Protection feature or not. So, I just suggest that you purchase a license for Adaxes 2012.1, if it suits your needs, and when Adaxes 2013.1 will be available, you will have an option to upgrade for free.


Safe to say it's being delayed a week?



It's being delayed by two weeks. The new version requires a more thorough testing than we expected.


Any updates?



We are still on the finalizing stages. The release is rescheduled for April 18.


BTW, we already have a demo video for the Exchange Management and Automation feature:


The new exchange options looks very very good! Do you have a list of the other changes/news that will come with this release?



  • Other Exchange-related features not included into the demo video:

    • Move Mailbox operation.
    • Possibility to move mailboxes automatically in Business Rules, Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks.
    • Possibility to view the status of the Move Mailbox operation in the Administration Console.
    • Possibility to automatically establish e-mail addresses in Exchange in Business Rules, Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks. This will be available for Users, Contacts, and Groups.
    • Exchange 2013 support.
  • Automation Enhancements

    • New Account Locked condition.
    • Minutely Interval for Scheduled Tasks.
    • Possibility to add a custom description for the Run a Program or PowerShell Script action.
  • Web Interface Enhancements

    • Reset Password operation customization:

        - Possibility to set a default value for the new password and disallow users to change the new password value.
        - Possibility to set default Account Options when resetting a password and disallow changing the Account Options.
        - Possibility to hide the **Generate**, **Spell Out** and **View Password Policy** options.
        - Possibility to allow or disallow Account Unlock when resetting a password.
        - Possibility to allow or disallow sending an SMS verification code when performing Password Reset.
    • Configuration of Web Interface auto-logon with a single click.

    • The Link to a Specific URL will support Value References.

    • Possibility to move Home Page Actions between groups.

  • Administration Console Enhancements

    • Possibility to display empty properties in the Result Pane.

    • PowerShell Script Editor Enhancements

        - Bookmarks in scripts
        - The PowerShell Script Editor will store the outlining, undo/redo history as well as scroll and cursor positions for each PowerShell script.
    • Improved Approval Request view:

        - Support for filtering and grouping of Approval Requests.
        - Possibility to view all approvers and resend them email notifications.
        - The number of Approval Requests displayed will not be limited to 1000 Requests.
        - Performance and visual improvements.
    • Remembering the last position of the Find pane: in the new version, the Find pane will be reopened right where it was when you closed it last time.

    • New breadcrumb style Navigation Bar with history and the embedded Quick Search Bar and Favorites button.

  • Other

    • Support for sending verification codes by email when performing Self-Password Reset.
    • Full support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.

Alright, that made me laugh. Big fan of the Dexter series so love the video. Excited for the upcoming changes surrounding Exchange, we'll be able to do a lot with this. Is it out yet? :D



Not yet. As stated above, the release is rescheduled for April 18.


Are we still on track for the update coming out on Thursday?



Sorry, but we had to delay the release by one more week.


Will that be the last delay?, been waiting for this update now for quite some time and have to keep putting our rollout back :-/
We need all the extra exchange functionality it provides.


Hello Mike,

Today we declared a code freeze for version 2013.1. It looks like we'll release it on April, 25 (fingers crossed).

BTW, the new version will also support provisioning for Microsoft Lync Server 2010 and 2013.


Hi Any more news on this yet?



The release is scheduled for April, 25 (as stated above).



The release of Adaxes 2013.1 is delayed. Adaxes 2013.1 Delayed.

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