0 votes

Is there an easy way to tell the system to use a specific Domain Controller? I'm trying to set up a custom command to add an email address to a large group of users (we're migrating their email to our system) and if I test it out on my own account or a test account, it works fine.

However, when I try it on a user that we want to actually add it to, it errors out with the following:

The operation couldn't be performed because object <user> couldn't be found on <one of our domain controllers>. I think this is an AD replication issue, but am unsure as to what is causing it (there are a bunch of Kerberos errors on that DC but none on our other 2 DCs).

As we are doing the migration on Friday, I want to be able to quickly use the custom command and figure out the issue later if possible. I know in the AD Users and Computers, you can change what Domain Controller you are currently connected to - does Adaxes give you this capability?

Here is the event log on the server that Adaxes is running on:

Log Name: Adaxes
Source: Adaxes Service
Date: 5/8/2013 3:19:52 PM
Event ID: 0
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: <server>
Softerra.Adaxes.BackgroundThreadException: Exchange 2010 PowerShell API: Failed to execute the following operation: Get mail settings of <user> ---> System.Management.Automation.RemoteException: The operation couldn't be performed because object <user> couldn't be found on <dc>.
at #dd.#3e.#i.#4e.Execute(PSCommand psCommand, String[]& warnings)
at #dd.#3e.#i.#4e.Execute(#ed command)
at #dd.#if.Execute(#ed command)
at #dd.#7e.#i.#9e.Execute(#ed command)
at #dd.#Ye.#h4(#fd command, #Ze context)
at #dd.#Ye.#a4(#6b mailParametersBuilder, IAdmObject targetObject, #Ze context)
at #dd.#Ye.ExecuteOperation(#3c operation, #Ze context)
at #dd.#Ye.#qU(#3c operation)
at #Oc.#Nc.Execute()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---

by (440 points)


To prevent issues related to replication, Adaxes always tries to use one and the same Domain Controller to perform all operations in Active Directory and Exchange.
Did you create those users using Adaxes?


No, these users were created before we had Adaxes.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (18.0k points)

Update 2018

Starting with Adaxes 2018.1 there is an option to configure Adaxes to only connect to specific domain controllers. For details, have a look at the following help article: https://www.adaxes.com/help/UseSpecificDCs.


It is impossible to configure Adaxes to use a specific domain controller.

You can restart the computer where your Adaxes service is running, and with a high probability it'll connect to another DC.
Or you can turn off that DC, and Adaxes will automatically reconnect to another one.


I rebooted the Adaxes server and still get the same error for these users in an OU on a different DC - what could be the cause of that? It works on some users but not others.



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To prevent issues related to replication, Adaxes always tries to use one and the same Domain Controller to perform all operations in Active Directory and Exchange.


Is this also the case, when a request awaits approval ? For example, when moving a user.

I have experienced, that distinguishedname were not changed, when read right after the approval (read by a
Business Rule, After moving a User). When read, it contained the users old path and the following script naturally failed.
The user was moved allright, but the following scripts were never executed.

On the demo system this is never an issue, but in the production we have four DC's and more load on the servers.
We suspect, that this issue occours because Adaxes request data from a DC that is not yet synchronized ?



The issue is not related to DCs or replication. There is a bug in Adaxes with resolving the %distinguishedname% value reference after moving objects. We will fix it in one of the future releases.

For now, you can use the following line as a workaround in scripts:

$dn = $Context.TargetObject.Get("distinguishedName")

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