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I have a deprovision task that our desktop support staff uses to terminate a user and want to setup a scheduled task that goes through and looks for users who are past their account expiration date (which gets set in the deprovision task) and part of the disabled users group. If they meet those conditions it will email the manager for approval to move to disabled users OU so that it will be removed from our Office 365 subscription freeing up a license. Problem is the script even though it looks for the presence of that group and an account expires value of less than or equal to the current date it is still applied to ALL users in the organization.


by (80 points)


To get around with the issue, we need to have a look at:

  • a screenshot of your Scheduled Task,
  • your script.

You can either post them here or, if you don't want to publish them on a public forum, you can send them to our support email (support[at]adaxes.com).

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