is it possible to update user objects based on imported data from a csv file? We have an HR database where we want to pull some data out and import it into certain fields of user objects like job title.
Thanks in advance Ingemar
I'm sorry found the answer by myself when following that Tutorial http://adaxes.com/tutorials_ActiveDirec ... SVFile.htm it also allows updates of existing objects
Hi, I want an email notification to be sent automatically by Adaxes when a user is updated. I'd like this notification to show what modifications were made (I need to know which properties were modified and what are their new values). Is that possible?
I'm wanting to store information in a custom user attribute in Entra ID but I'm wondering if this is possible within a "Update the user" action in Adaxes? ... PowerShell? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/entra/external-id/customers/concept-user-attributes
Hello, is it possible to update a user attribute (extensionAttribute5) with the name of the group (Name), the user was just added to? Example: In Group A gets a new ... A should be written in the attribute extensionAttribute5 of User A. Can you please help me?
Hi all I need to modify the template $remoteRoutingAddressTemplate with the default exchange option automatically update email addresses disable. How i make it?
Thanks for the info. I'm now grabbing the %adm-ManagerUserName% value, but need to remove the final 21 characters of it so it contains only their username and not our ... this in the PowerShell Script Editor for my business rule, I get the following error: