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Stupid question time...!

If we have a cluster (configuration set) of Adaxes servers, which one runs scheduled jobs, and how does this change if/when instances go down? Is it a 'closest' to the PDC promotion?


by (1.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


When a Scheduled Task is created in a configuration set, right after creation, the service instance, on which the Task is created, becomes the Owner of the Scheduled Task and performs all operations related to the Scheduled Task.

If an Owner of a Scheduled Task goes down, after some time that is determined by replication time between Adaxes services, another, randomly selected Adaxes service instance takes ownership of the Scheduled Task and becomes responsible for performing it.

So, at any time there exists only one Scheduled Task Owner that is responsible for performing the operations.

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