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I seem to have hit a permissions error. For the life of me I'm sure this has been working fine, now we appear to have a very strange situation.

I noticed today that a particular Custom Command that users should only have permission to run on their own entry was showing up for all entries:-

I've been trying to find out why this is, and now I'm even more confused. I've changed things round to try and find the cause, and I've given rights to this command to one role only (that I'm not a member of):

Yet, I can still execute this command (against anyone) - which is one problem - but the really strange thing is, when I look at the role assignments of the command it says no-one has rights to it, when we know from the above that at least one role has?

I'm also digging around other permissions issues, and it looks like there may be other 'over-permissive' access via the web interface. I'm 100% sure this has all been OK up to the last few days, so athis must be something to do with a change we've made recently - but I cannot think of any permissions that have been changed.


by (1.6k points)

1 Answer

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by (1.6k points)


I managed to find the root cause - mainly my fault but still a little confused about something.

We had temporarily added 'Full User Object' rights to a specific role (that my account was a member of but I hadn't realised, and it was just 'off the bottom of the page' in the trustee scroll box), and removing this fixed the underlying permissions issue:-

However, I'm confused as to i) why this role wasn't being reflected in the 'Effective Security Roles' for the custom command if it granted me the right to run the custom command, how ii) granting Full Control over 'User' objects also gave the right to run a Custom Command, that I thought were permissioned explicitly (or via the 'All Custom Commands' right).



Through trial and error I seem to have confirmed that, for i), the 'Effective Roles' details those roles that have the right to manage`configure a Custom Command, not run it - is that correct?

Still not sure about ii) - though to be honest I may have created more problems by trying to fix the original one, and then lost track a bit of what was working when.

Either way - I have everything permissioned again as I expected, so you can ignore this thread!




i) why this role wasn't being reflected in the 'Effective Security Roles' for the custom command if it granted me the right to run the custom command

The Effective Security Roles section only shows the Security Roles that grant the permissions to manage the Custom Command, not execute it.

...how ii) granting Full Control over 'User' objects also gave the right to run a Custom Command, that I thought were permissioned explicitly (or via the 'All Custom Commands' right).

No. The Full Access permission grants the right to perform any operations on the object, that is write all properties, execute all Custom Commands etc, and the Execute all Custom Commands is a partial permission that grants only the rights to execute Custom Commands on the object.

As you mentioned in your initial post, you would like to grant users to execute this Custom Command on their own accounts only. To do this, you need to create a Security Role that grants the right to execute the Custom Command and assign it to Self and include All Objects in the Assignment Scope. To do this:

  1. Create a new Security Role.
  2. On the 2nd step, add the permission that allows to execute the Custom Command you need.
  3. On the 3rd step, assign the Role to Self and include All Objects in the Assignment Scope.

Many thanks. The very granular permissions model is both a curse and a god send!

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