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is there any way as I stated in the subject to prevent Adaxes from talking to certain Exchange servers in the environment?
We have a couple of servers which are for security reasons not available to all system and Adaxes always try's to contact them, resulting in an error.

Ingemar Jacob

by (960 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)

Update 2015

Starting with Adaxes 2015 it is possible to configure allowed Exchange forests and servers for Adaxes: https://www.adaxes.com/help/AllowedExchangeForestsServers.


Hello Ingemar,

Currently, there is no functionality to do what you want.

Also, when Adaxes tries to find available Exchange servers, it first tries to connect to all Exchange servers, starting from the servers located in the same AD site where Adaxes is installed. Once Adaxes finds an available Exchange server, it starts performing all operations on that server. So, the errors will appear only at the stage of finding available Exchange servers.


Thanks for the quick response!

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