0 votes

Has anyone used the Salesforce APIs to create and modify users accounts? Can they be used in Adaxes? We have setup SAML SSO to connect to Salesforce and want to set it up so that Adaxes creates and disables the accounts in Saleforce.

Thanks for any input

by (1.2k points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


Salesforce provides a number of APIs based off web services using WSDL: https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewHelpD ... uage=en_US. Web services can be easily accessed from Adaxes with the help of PowerShell scripts.

How to call a WSDL web service in Adaxes
PowerShell cmdlet New-WebServiceProxy can be used to create a proxy object for a given web service. Using the proxy object, you can use and manage a web service. The following script calls the DoSomething method of a specific web service, passing the username of the user, on which the PowerShell script is executed, as a parameter.

$service = New-WebServiceProxy -uri http://www.company.com/Service.asmx?WSDL

$param = "%username%"

So, you can create PowerShell scripts that call methods and properties of Salesforce APIs from Adaxes, and use the scripts in Adaxes Business Rules, Custom Commands and Scheduled Tasks to run the scripts when a certain operation is performed in AD, on demand or on schedule.

Take a look at the following tutorials with examples on how you can integrate PowerShell scripts with Adaxes:
Run PowerShell Script after Creating a User
Autoenroll Users for Self-Password Reset (running a script on a schedule).

Also, this Adaxes SDK article can help you with your scripts: http://www.adaxes.com/sdk/?ServerSideScripting.html

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