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Hello all,

I encounter an issue on Adaxes 2013.1 when creating a new custom command to create a user mailbox.
When I choose all my mbx stores (in order to let adaxes select it by turn) and then try to save I get the following error :

"An error occurred while saving the Custome Command. The specified value already exists."

When I specify only one mbx store, it works fine.

Thanks for your help


by (740 points)


What version of Adaxes are you using? Also, take a closer look at the list of available storages. Do you have any storages that would be listed twice?

There's a similar well-known issue in Adaxes that will be fixed soon.



Thanks for your answer. I 'm in Adaxes 2013.1 and after another check I find storage listed twice in the list.


1 Answer

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by (216k points)


The issue will be fixed in the nearest release. To quickly workaround it until the new release available, in the list of available mailbox stores, for all storages that are listed twice, uncheck one of the items that represent the mailbox store. So that there would be only one checked checkbox for each mailbox store. This should resolve the issue.



I applied this workaround.

Thanks for your help and your time




Yesterday, we released Adaxes 2013.2 that contains a fix for the issue. Now, mailbox databases are not duplicated in the list of available stores. You can download Adaxes 2013.2 here.

Upgrade Instructions.

For a complete list of new features and improvements, see What's New.

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