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when on a new user form and have certain fields required. when I click on the property pattern tip, it give the option to disable, which seems to disable the field from being required.
for instance full name field. Although its filled in once the first and last name are entered, when I click on the property pattern tip, if gave me the option to disable.
If I clicked on another field, i.e office, which was required, the option to disable wasn't available.

is that by design? and what the reason behind it if you don't mind.

by (1.7k points)

1 Answer

0 votes
by (216k points)


The disable option disables only generation of default values. If you configured a Property Pattern to generate a default value for a property with the help of value references, like %description% or %title%, clicking disable will simply stop generating the default value.

If you configured a property to be required or imposed some constraints on it, such as Must be one of the following values only or Must match regexp, clicking disable will not affect this.

Thus, the disable option is not available for those properties that do not have a template for the default value.

By the way, if you want, you can completely hide the property pattern tip from the Web Interface. To do this:

  1. Launch Adaxes Administration Console.
  2. In the Console Tree, locate and select the Property Pattern that applies to the objects, for which you don't the tip.
  3. In the Result Pane (located to the right), double-click the property for which you don't want the tip.
  4. Click Hint and Help.
  5. Switch the radio button in the Help section to Don't display the button.
  6. Save the Property Pattern.

ok, thanks for the explanation.



we have 3 main office locations, which I have setup in a dropdown for the User Pattern. I then have a Custom Command, to update the address based on the Office selection.
We have other remote offices all over which the address can vary. What would be the best option to have HR choose or enter a different office w/ address?



We are not quite sure on what you are trying to achieve. Do you mean that some of your offices have more than one address and you want the HR to be able to type in a different address? Is that correct?


sort of. some have more than 1 address and other offices have different offices completely.


can someone assist?



Yes, sure. If you applied a Property Pattern that applies a property restriction 'Must be one of the following values only'. the Property Pattern will not allow you to input other values than the ones specified in the Pattern. So, first of all, you need to somehow assign the Property Pattern only on the users located in the 'main' office locations. For example, if users located in the three 'main' office locations are located in certain OUs, then you can assign the Property Pattern that defines possible offices only on those OUs.

As for your Custom Command, can you explain how you use it? Is it launched by a Business Rule or HR have to launch it manually on the users, whose office they want to update?


Ok. We have users in NY, LA, and DC. Within that NY OU, there are 2 offices. so unfortunately adding the property pattern to the OU may not work here.
We also have users that work in different cities/offices that varies, so for this we'd like to have HR enter the address for the user.

Currently I do have a constraint for LA, DC, and NY. I guess I'll have to remove.

The custom command was based off of the office chosen, so if they chose LA, DC, or NY, the address field will auto populate accordingly. I guess my concern is, we cannot have a custom command and give them the freedom of entering an address when need be.


Currently I do have a constraint for LA, DC, and NY. I guess I'll have to remove.

Yes, with the the current functionality and taking into account how your AD is organized, it ill be, probably, not possible to define a list of possible values and allow entering some free text at the same time. We have a suggestion in our TODO list to make it possible to enter free text when a property constraint is of the type One of the following values only, so that a drop-down list would be only a list of suggestions, allowing users to enter some free text if none of the values in the list match what they need. If this functionality would be available, this would solve the issue, so, we think, we'll just add a +1 to that suggestion.

I guess my concern is, we cannot have a custom command and give them the freedom of entering an address when need be.

Why not? The Custom Command would only set the address for those offices that are listed in the Custom Command. If a user types something that does not match any of the Conditions in the Custom Command, the Command will simply skip the user and will not clear the value entered by the HR for the address. For example, the following Custom Command will set an address for a user automatically only when NY, LA or DC is specified as the office. If the HR specifies something other than the above three offices, the Address will not be changed by the Custom Command.


yes, that feature would be great.

cool! that's currently how I have it set. I'll just add 'other' to the list and add the city fields etc so they input info if need be.

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