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Screenshots below of everything....

I am using a "virgin" install of the latest version tool in a test domain. No special business rules or other customization have been built (yet.)

We would like to use employeeID attribute as the basis of the object DN. (EmployeeID is fixed for "life", user's names and SAM IDs may based on changes in their name. )

I have a (simple) example CSV import file that looks like this:

Timothy Claus,p99995,HoHoLane01,ZZ0022
David Claus,pc99994,JingleBells01,ZZ0024

When I import this, fields are properly identified. However, if I use the "Get name from a column and add parent DN", and use employeeID, when I click "Finish" to begin the wizard I end up with a Dialog box indicating "Can't Locate object".

However, the user(s) is/are created,but as the objectDN (and Canonical Name, ADS path and ) all use the cn field to create the fields, NOT the employeeID as desired. The employeeID attribute does get set (not shown).

Suggestions on how to get this working would be greatly appreciated.

by (40 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


The thing is that in AD, the cn of a user is always used in the user's RDN (Relative Distinguished Name), and always forms a part of the user's DN. In other words, the DN of the user always starts with CN=<cn_value>. Since you have the CN of the users specified in your CSV file, the CN from the CSV file overrides the CN generated based on the employeeID property.

To resolve the issue, you can configure the Import Data wizard not to import the CN from the CSV file. In this case, the DN of the users will be generated based on the employeeID property. However, you should keep in mind that in this case, the Full Name property of the users will be equal to their Employee ID property because Full Name is the same as cn.

To do this, on the 3rd step of the Import Data Wizard, unselect cn in the Properties to import list.

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