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Could you say anything about aprox. release date and what functionality you have planned for this release?

by (960 points)

1 Answer

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by (18.0k points)


The release is scheduled for the middle of February. I'll include Office 365 support, new customization options for Web Interface and enhanced views for Administration console.


This sounds good. If you could, please explain what more customization options will you add for the web interface?



In Adaxes 2014.1 we are going to introduce the possibility to customize how the following types of fields are displayed in the Web interface:

  1. Account Options:
    It will be possible to select, which account options user can modify.

  2. Boolean (True/False) Properties:
    It will be possible to configure to show the properties either as a drop-down list or as a checkbox.

    When shown as a drop-down list, it will also be possible to customize the texts for the options:

  3. Properties with DN syntax (e.g. Manager, Secretary, Managed By, See Also):
    It will be possible to filter the AD objects that users can select when editing the properties.

    For example, on the following screenshot, an AD object that can be set as a Manager must be a User or Contact located in the example.com\Offices\London OU from the same department as the user who is setting the manager.


Good news :)

If I understand well the last point, we'll be able to adapt a field based on the 'iniator' properties ?
We are currently working on a form with an office list (updated through a script) and we would like limit the number of elements in the listbox by filtering it. Do you think there is/will be a way to do it ?

Have a nice day

Best regards



If I understand well the last point, we'll be able to adapt a field based on the 'iniator' properties ?

Yes. For example, if you put %adm-InitiatorParentDN% in the Container DN field, users will be able to select only objects from the same OU as their own OU.

We are currently working on a form with an office list (updated through a script) and we would like limit the number of elements in the listbox by filtering it. Do you think there is/will be a way to do it ?

Currently not, but we have a similar suggestion in our Backlog. What exactly do you mean by 'filtering'? How will the offices be filtered?



First of all, and as allways, thanks for your nice answer :)

Currently not, but we have a similar suggestion in our Backlog. What exactly do you mean by 'filtering'? How will the offices be filtered?

In fact, we feed offices list with values extract from some AD users. And it represent an important (and increasing) number of choices. The idea would be, for example, to reduce this list with a filter based on the country of the user under creation :)

It's a particular case to manage our stores and their managers;

I now that may seems a little bit confusing and twisted but.. :p

Kind regard,



Actually, making the list of possible values for a property depend on the value of another property is exactly what we have in our product backlog.


For 2014.2 ?! :lol:
Thanks for the info

Best regards



Errr ... actually, we haven't got any exact plans for this feature yet. :)


Hi all,

Any update on the release date ? :)




We had to shift the date a bit. The release is planned for mid-March.


Any update on release date? :)



We had to shift the release date again. The release is planned for the end of March.



Do you have any set date for the release yet? Last i heard it was pushed to early april.



We are planning the release for the next week, however the date is not fixed yet.


Will this update contain any enhancements to the Adaxes SDK?



Yes, new articles for most of the new interfaces will be added. Also, there will be a couple of sample scripts for the new functionality that will be available.


Still no date for the release?



Adaxes 2014.1 will be available on April 10, 2014 :)


Eagerly awaiting the release of the new version today, exciting to test out the office 365 integration! :)



We'll be uploading files in a couple of hours.

While you are waiting, you can watch the Office 365 Automation and Management video:


Will the O365 integration work for other managed domains? Or will it just work for the domain the Adaxes installation is in?


It'll work for any AD domain managed by Adaxes.


Looks awsome! Can't wait to test this :)



Adaxes 2014.1 is officially out! You can download it here.

Upgrade Instructions.

For a complete list of new features and improvements, see What's New.


When a domain is not connected to Office 365, will the Office 365 section not be shown in the View and Edit screens of a user?


If a user isn't associated with any Office 365 tenant, the section will NOT be shown.


Hello. I upgraded our installation yesterday, and it looks good. Installed some Azure Powershell Modules etc, and Office 365 connectivity seems to be working. Great work!

However, when I want to assign Office 365 licenses, I only see the "parent" license, and I can't manually select the sub-licenses. In other words; when I want to assign a license to a user, I can only assign the full E3 license, not "just Sharepoint and Lync". I am aware that I, in the "Tenant Details" can click on a plan and "hardcode" that if I choose the E3 license, assign only Lync and Sharepoint, but that seems a little backwards. Is there a quick fix for this?

Regards, Erlend


Hello Erland,

Currently it is not possible. Can you explain why you want to assign specific services instead of assigning a whole plan?


Thanks for answering, Eugene.
To be honest, it's not a "problem", I would just have preferred to have it list the specific services instead of the whole plan. No big deal, though :)

Another low priority suggestion:
Intune and Sharepoint seems to be missing "friendly names":

Office 365 Enterprise E3
Lync Online (Plan 1)

And a final question:
I have made a scheduled task; If a laptop is not part of the DirectAccess security group, add it, and mail a report to the helpdesk. It sends one mail per computer added. Is there a way to make it mail a summary instead?



Another low priority suggestion:
Intune and Sharepoint seems to be missing "friendly names"

Thanks for reporting it! We'll fix it in the nearest minor update.

I have made a scheduled task; If a laptop is not part of the DirectAccess security group, add it, and mail a report to the helpdesk. It sends one mail per computer added. Is there a way to make it mail a summary instead?

No, it is impossible, unless you use a PowerShell script to add laptops to the group in your Scheduled Task.

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