Hello Ryan,
In the version that will follow Adaxes 2014.1, we are going to completely rework the look and feel of Adaxes Web interface. In that version, we are going to provide some basic functionality for editing uploaded pictures, and resizing picture is among the features that we are going to introduce.
For now, it is possible to use a PowerShell script for this purpose. You can add a certain field on the Web interface that will be used to input the image file name. For this purpose, you can use one of Adaxes virtual properties that can store string (text) values. Such properties are not stored in Active Directory, but can be used as any other property of AD objects. A Business Rule triggered after updating a user will read the file at the specified file path and process the image to fit within the limitations, then save the image to the Picture property.
As for the actual resizing, there are multiple ways how this can be implemented in PowerShell code. For example, you can use some sort of an image processing tool, like ImageMagick, for example, and pass the picture to the tool from command line. Alternatively, it is possible to use a PowerShell module for this purpose, for example, the PSImageTools from the Windows 7 Resource Kit. Also, it is possible to use the native .Net functions to manipulate the image, however it'll take longer to develop the script.
If such a solution is OK with you, we will help you with a script.