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Last night I attempted to upgrade from 2012.01 to 2013.2. Other than losing my logs (fixed by a snapshot revert and backing up the logs) this process went well.

Unfortunately when I went to view the 'Exchange Properties' on a user the Adaxes web interface and Administrative GUIs became unresponsive.
Based on errors in the logs it appears to be related to Adaxes being unable to access the Mailbox and Hub Transport servers in our Exchange 2010 environments. In our environment our networks are heavily segmented and all Exchange related traffic, management or otherwise, is handled via the Exchange Client Access Servers (CAS). We currently successfully use the CAS for all of our PowerShell scripts that handle Exchange related automation within Adaxes. Based on the firewall logs Adaxes hit every Mailbox, Hub Transport, and CAS. It was only able to communicate with the CAS as traffic to the rest of the hosts is blocked by our firewalls.

Ultimately we had to revert the changes in order to retain usability.

Could being unable to communicate with the Mailbox/Hub be causing performance issues?
If so, would it have gotten better after a certain amount ( if Adaxes determined they couldn't be reached )?
Is there any way to indicate the preferred method of communicating with particular Exchange environment?

by (90 points)

1 Answer

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by (216k points)


After Adaxes service has started, upon the first query of Exchange Properties of an object in a certain domain, Adaxes searches for the nearest Exchange Server that it can execute request on. The Exchange Server should have the CAS Role enabled on it. As soon as Adaxes finds such an Exchange Server it can access, the Server is used until it goes down or becomes otherwise unavailable.

We suggest that you enable tracing of commands sent to Exchange Servers. In the trace log generated by Adaxes, you will be able to find out which commands took the most time to execute to narrow down the search for potential bottlenecks. Also, in the trace file, you will find the Exchange Server Adaxes connects to. Please check whether the Server is installed in the same AD site as the computer where Adaxes service is installed.

For information on how to enable tracing of commands sent to Exchange Servers, see the following help article: http://www.adaxes.com/help/?HowDoI.Perf ... uests.html.

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